Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 9 stabilization

I have no clue what I weighed this am. I was up at 4:30 am, out the door by 6 am. I stayed in a hotel last night and didn't bring the Wii since it was just one night, and it would do no good to weigh on a different scale because they are all different.

I'm just going to assume that because the steak day worked last time, it worked this time. I just won't know how much, even tomorrow. I should be down, but if it did what it did last time, I could be down by just tenths of a pound because I could gain 1/2 of it back today. It's like 2 steps forward, 1 step back.

It was a better day for clients lost 12 lb. last week, one lost 42 lb. in 5 weeks with a week left to go, which means the total for 6 weeks should be about 50 lb. gone, and another who has had a hard time with stabilization for the opposite reason as me...keeps losing.

I'll just hang in there and see how things go. What else is there to do? I like where I am now and want to stay matter what it takes. I can't do another round until mid to late summer so I just have to micromanage this situation until I don't have to micromanage any more.


Oh! At about 7 am I had an apple, around 10 I had a handful of macs, around noon I had 100g piece of chicken and 2 oz. of cheese...and coffee with cream. I had no cream in the early morning java.

I will have time to do yoga; the question is do I have the energy. I am NOT a morning person, and as far as I'm concerned I got up in the middle of the night, though technically termed 'this morning'. So frankly, depending on how I feel, I may not even do it when I get home. Logically, I know if I can just MAKE myself do it, I'll feel better and sleep better. It's just finding the mojo to motivate.

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