Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 8 stabilization

I was down .2 lb. this a.m., but I am still doing a steak day. It's just too, too close.

So, there is really nothing to report because I'm not exerting too much extra energy because I'm not eating for about another 1/2 hour. I went shopping. :-) That's about the extent of my activity for the day.

I will hit the hot tub after dinner at some point.

I got to thinking about it, and I wonder if I took any vitamins during the protocol this time. I don't recall. I take them when I remember, and if I thought they didn't have starch or sugar, there would be no reason not to. Because it was cold and flu season when I was on maintenance last time, I bet I took them then. I know I was around some sickies over protocol, so I bet I did at least when I knew I'd been exposed or felt punky. That would explain so much!

If this is indeed the problem, I think I will extend my 'no sugar no starch' time by a week or two to lock it in. And then perhaps I will do another round in August, depending on how fit I get between now and then. If I can keep it under that 'overweight' BMI and still build some muscle, I wouldn't do another. I like where I am. I don't need to be a size 4.

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