Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 29 protocol-Day 1 stabilization

Yea! Today I get cream in my coffee!!!

I've already been to FitDay which is where I record every single thing I eat and add up my calories. I just put in that I'll have 4 tblsp. of heavy cream, even though I've only had one so far. I know I'll likely have 4 cups of coffee and they will ALL have cream!

FitDay also tell me how many calories I can have each day to maintain my weight. It will add up my activities as I plug them in so that if I burn more, it will tell me how many more I can eat. LiveStrong Daily Plate does the same thing, I believe, but I know from helping clients figure out what their daily calorie count should be that it figures high. Actually, I know from experience that for me, FitDay does too. For instance, it says for my age, activity level and weight, I should consume about 1,700 calories per day. I know that if I do, I will gain. I actually need to stay around 1,200-1,500 to maintain. That is weight LOSS range for most people, but for me it is where I stay stable. Or ate least it has been in the past. We'll see this time. If I have to modulate, I will.

Today I was up .2 of a pound, although those little ups and downs are normal during this stage. Still the damn line eludes me! I'm not worried about it for two reasons. First, I know why it's there. I ate after dark last night. I forgot to eat my fruit after dinner, so I had it around 8 pm. And I did stay up late and was having a hard time, so I had a few more nuts. I know that during stabilization neither of those things is an issue, and I know that the hCG was essentially out of my system or I wouldn't have been hungry, but I also know that food eaten so close to bed is going to be stored. I need to just program into my brain (hypnosis!) that I need avoid food after dark like a vampire avoids light. So, I .2 gain...not a big deal.

I still don't know what I will have for breakfast. I guess it depends on what Dave has. If he has cereal, I'll have cottage cheese and strawberries. If he has an omelet, I'll share that. No matter what I choose, it will go into the FitDay log so I can make sure I stay somewhere in the 1,200-1,600 range.

11:21 am

I did have 1/2 cup (heaping) of cottage cheese and 5 strawberries for breakfast. With the coffee and cream, FitDay puts me at about 400 calories so far today.

We decided we are going to have steak and stuffed mushrooms for our Valentine's Day dinner. I'm going to see if I can find a desert that just uses Stevia and allowable items...perhaps something with cocoa but no starch. We'll see what I find.

4:53 pm

We just had dinner. I had a 200g steak and 3 stuffed mushrooms, which is about 600 calories. I've had two more cups of coffee with cream, so about another 100 calories. FitDay calculates that with the hour of Wii I did so far today, I can consume about 1,776 calories. I have thus far consumed about 1,730. I may have a piece or two of chocolate delight later. I don't know. It's too cold to go for a walk, so maybe Dave and I will do yoga or a Wii competition to burn off a few of those extra calories.

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