Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 17

Last night I did no Wii or yoga or anything else. I watched a L & O, CSI marathon compliments of my DVR. My body and brain were just up for a drain.

I went to bed early because the night before I didn't sleep well. I was up a couple of times thanks to nature calling and interrupting my sleep. I tried to grab a nap during the day when I had a big enough break to come home, but that's when Chelsea and Pat came home and made my all time favorite comfort food...grilled cheese with garlic butter. It about drove me mad. I had 8 macs to shut my tummy up, even though I'd eaten just a few hours before.

Then I had my regular dinner, even though I was going to skip the fruit and/or the bread to make up the calories from the nuts. I even had a couple more bites of the choco-delight. That might slow some people down, but this time around it seems to be helping me.

So in all honesty, I expected to be more disappointed today than I was the day before. Lo and behold, I was back to a -.7 day! I actually don't think I'll complain about those any more. That's almost 5 lb. a week if I can keep that up. I'll take that.

I'm getting a little excited at how close to that 'normal'/'overweight' line I'm at on the Wii. That's been my goal for awhile, despite what my original thoughts were...just get far enough under that line that I can stay under it comfortably all the time. So, where ever 2-5 lb. under the line happens to be. I'm thinking that will be a solid size 5, somewhere near my original goal of 124. I could easily see that by Valentine's Day.

Since I went into this round vowing only to follow where my body leads, if it continues to be relatively easy after that, I'll keep going. If there are fits and starts or stalls, I'll give in to one apple day, but not stress if it doesn't work and just stop. But again, we'll have to see how I feel at the time and see what my body wants to do.


Speaking of following where my body leads...

I had to go out a shovel my corner lot and double driveway today. The snow was so wet that in low lying areas it was melted into slush. I was out there for over an hour, essentially doing heavy lifting and sweating until my muscles were wiggly. (It was either that or get fined by the city and pay their fee to have it done.)

I came in and had 10 macadamia nuts. I needed something with protein. I can already feel my muscles are sore, so tomorrow, that may show up as a 'gain'...but it really is the water that's in my muscles repairing damage caused by over exerting them. That is how muscle is built; you damage the muscle a little bit and when it repairs, new muscle is built.

So, I followed my body. No, these are not on protocol. I make an executive decision regarding my body, knowing that if you want the program to work, you follow the program. Period. If you want to tweak it, tweak it...just know that if you do it may or may not work, and take responsibility for it. Sometimes extenuating circumstances call for some critical thinking and assessment of viable alterations.

It's not the same as justifying 'cheating' with something so obviously not on the program that there is no justification. It's not the same as indulging emotional eating or quitting because there are some days it's hard...and make no mistake, while I still contend it's the easiest weight release I've ever experienced, there ARE days when it sucks eggs.

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