Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 6 stabilization

I never did check in later in the day. It was sort of busy.

Either it was not how many calories was eating, but WHAT I was eating that was the problem, the Wii really did need batteries, or yoga did the trick.

I actually ate about 2,000 calories yesterday. I had bacon and cheese before I left the house. I had an apple and macs late morning, and a chicken breast and cheese slices on the run in early afternoon. I had several cups of coffee with cream. I again grabbed a chicken breast and cheese slices before a social event where I didn't want to eat the yummy (but mostly carb) food. I neither ate nor drank at the event.

In the middle of the day, I had about an hour and a half where I could come home, so I did, and I fit in 40 min. of yoga.

After the event, here is the thought process that led to the justification of a glass of wine:

I did really well at the event. I really didn't want anything there. But why didn't I drink that glass of wine I had them pour for me? Well, for one I was driving myself home. One glass of wine and I'm lit, and I'm not driving, even if it was only 2 miles. But (notice, lots of buts) my reasoning behind no wine was that I thought it made stabilization harder last time, and this time I needed a steak day in the first 3 much harder can it be? And if I need another steak day, it should be this weekend when Dave can be out grilling. Blah, blah, blah.

So, I had a glass of wine. I also had two chocolate delights, because dark chocolate goes fabulously with red wine.

I'm down .4 today. Thus, I'll keep experimenting. :-)


Let's see, today consisted of:

Breakfast: 3 slices bacon, 2 oz. cheese

Snack: 1 apple

Lunch: 100 g. chicken and 2 oz. cheese

Snack: handful of macs

Dinner: 1 piece cauliflower crust white pizza (and I snitched about an oz of mozzarella while I was making it)

I did the long form yoga, so that's an hour and a half of pretty difficult yoga, and walked 3 miles at a brisk pace in the cold.

FitDay tells me that according to my calories in/calories out, I can have about 500 more which I do not intend to have, but I likely will have a glass of wine or two, and a couple of pieces of protocol chocolate. I'll still come in under count.

I won't have that until later though, because in the past it seems that the wine is more likely to be a problem if I have it with food. For now I'll down a couple more bottles of water.

I should be able to get plenty of exercise in this weekend too. It's supposed to be nice, and I think I'll just have to make the yoga a priority. It makes me feel so good!

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