Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 30 stabilization

When I sat down to document all I ate yesterday, I realized that it was almost like a binge for me, even though if you took everything I ate all day long, it would fill a paper lunch bag about 1/2 way (the 4" x 6" by 12" ones). I know people who eat more than that in one meal and stay thin!

But scale shows a TWO POINT FOUR POUND GAIN today. Yes, that would be 2.4 lb. gained. It had to be from the mac and cheese combo, or the Splenda in the sweet things. They had traces of starch, but not real sugar. So...yeah. Another freakin' egg day. Guess it's a good thing I made those yesterday.

My tummy has been raising holy hell since last night, so I actually sort of expected the opposite this morning. I thought my body would reject all I ate and initiate a huge cleanse of sorts. It still sounds like there is an alien in there with all the roaring, gurgling and pinging not to mention the feeling of a 7 month fetus in there moving around.

Oh, and as far as activity yesterday, other than helping Dave with the gazebo for a few minutes and hauling some plants (and then cleaning the house up after dropping fern bits all over) I didn't do much. My foot hurt. I'm not sure how I injured it, but my arch was sore and it hurt to use the arch support, and it hurt not to use it. So I read for the rest of the evening and did no Wii or yoga, and no walking. Dave invited me to go with him while he played disk, but I declined and the saga of the Boleyn family.

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