Sunday, May 2, 2010

Turn around! You're going the wrong way!

You have to say that with an Aussie accent. It used to crack my husband up when my Tom Tom would tell us to correct ourselves with statement when we made a wrong turn.

So anyway, up .2 lb. today and that is certainly the wrong way.

Sore, sore, sore, sore, sore today. I slept like a rock last night I was so tired, but my body is hurting a good bit.

Yesterday, I was rushing around so much I never did get around to eating my veggie, which meant I was hungry mid-afternoon. I had set out nuts and fruit for my pregnant ladies, and decided that knowing how my body reacts to the smallest amounts of sugar, a few nuts would be my best corrective action (as opposed to adding a fruit in place of the lost veggie). Then later, because I also didn't get a chance to go shopping and had fed my organic apples to the guests, I had a pear with my dinner. I figured it was close to an apple and I had it in the fridge. It must have been there awhile because I'm the only one who likes pears in this house.

Anyway, it would seem I was wrong on both counts and paid with a .2 gain...after a zero day. Wrong way!

But, I'm not starving, so I've not hit immunity. My only course of action is to keep on keepin' on. 3 or 4 zeros and I'd have to worry, but knowing how weird this week has been (and the next week or two may be, with the carpet people coming, new classes starting, people helping with basement finishing and my SIL here. I'm excited about all of it! It just drives me a little batty to have my house is such disarray. AND I never got a chance to clean my carpet, which now may not happen until all of the work is done and stuff is re-organized. So shoot, it could be a month of relative chaos and frequent heavy lifting and or/stairs, all on 500 calories. I hope the rest of the round doesn't mirror this weekend!

Oh! Today is my first 'skip day'. I thought about it last Sunday (just because I can be such a space case, I wanted my skip day to be on Sunday so I'd be more likely to remember it) but I hadn't been taking hCG for quite a week. So, eating my 500 calories of the same selections, but no shot today.

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