Sunday, May 23, 2010

Bless me Goddess for I have sinned...

Eh. Whatever.
I gained .4, I lost .4, but for the first few days I stuck like glue. This weekend, I broke into the Merlot.

I did yoga and biked, so for the most part I think I'm ok. I made eggs in case I need to do an 'egg day' since Dave won't be able to cook me steak for a 'steak day'. I had steak today, in any case, and I don't like it enough to do it two days in a row. When I eat it other than during a 'steak day' where it is the ONLY thing I eat, it makes me gain, so I anticipate at least a small gain tomorrow.

But other than today, I'm staying under my recommended calorie count (even with the wine) and no sugars or starches (ok, the blue cheese was pre-crumbled, but I got some more today that isn't) so I'm all good. I'm eating less dairy , more raw, and going easy on the bacon, unlike last time. I'm eating sort of a cross between 'primal' and 'paleo'. I'm not worrying about fat, just counting it and keeping it on the down-low a little bit...not avoiding it. I'm eating mostly tuna, eggs and chicken for my protein, with cheese in small amounts for flavor, like a seasoning instead of a primary protein. I am going easy on the nuts, but I am eating them on average once per day, early in the day. I'm eating a couple of veggies and fruits per day. I am drinking coffee (with cream) only in the a.m. and wine only in the p.m. just in the last two days. Otherwise, I'm drinking water or the stevia packets that are meant to be like Crystal packets for bottled water.

So, for now, I'm ok as far as stabilizing. Granted, it's only been 5 days, with 3 of those pretty much protocol days without hCG, but it's looking decent.

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