Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Giving up the ghost

For the last two weeks I've been essentially the same. I've remained at a BMI of around 24, and I am just barely under the 130 mark. It's not where I wanted to be, but at the rate I'm going, there's no way I'll make my goal (5.1 lb. away still) in the next two weeks.

And I'm hungry. I know I had a zero loss today because I had to have some extra protein yesterday...twice. I was so hungry it hurt.

This is the lowest I've been, and have been able to stay, in the last 6 months, but I seem to get hung up right about here. Over the holidays, it was where everything stopped working. The last round, it's where I was stuck. Now again. Maybe it's not because I messed up the last two rounds...maybe it's just where I need to be and I should stop trying to force my body to be smaller. I'm comfortable here, and I'm actually at a place where people say, "You aren't going this AGAIN, are you?" It's not the goal I had in mind 18 months ago when I began on this path, but maybe it's where I am supposed to be and I should just accept it. I just wish I would have come to that conclusion before paying the big bucks!

So, no shot today. Today and tomorrow will be 500 calorie days. I'm taking my stabilization and maintenance very seriously. Last time I got a little lazy. The last two times, actually. I added stuff too soon once, and frankly I just think nothing worked right last time, so the 'locking in' part didn't either. This time, everything worked like it was supposed to (including my body, I'm trusting) so I think it will be easier. I just have to be patient...that will be the hard part! :-)

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