Thursday, April 22, 2010

New (and LAST) round!

I know, I know...the last one was supposed to be the last one. But it was all messed up. I was going to wait until like July or August to re-do it, but because it was so weird, the stabilization was weird too, and I decided not to wait.

Actually, to say I decided isn't actually accurate. Before, calculations for many things went into when I'd start: how the round would fit into my cycle, what events might be coming up, how long ago the last round was. This time, I thought, 'It would make my SILs round easier during her visit if I were on protocol too' and that was about as far as planning went. I was able to get my blood draw that day and a physical scheduled right away, so I did. I didn't know if I'd be able to fit it into the budget (yes, I am paying for my own program, minus the cost of the support materials I created and my own mentoring)or anything, I just jumped. It felt right.

So, I started loading on Monday. I had a piece of garlic toast for breakfast and took and apple to work. There is obviously no fat in the apple, and loading is about loading up on fat, but it was fast and I had nothing in the house that was really 'load worthy'.

I never did have an opportunity to eat the apple anyway, so it was a moot point.

I got out of work around 1 pm and was starving, so I stopped and picked up a Big Mac meal with a chocolate shake. After not having this in forever, I must say, there are odd tastes in these foods I have never noticed before. Anyway, I tossed some of the shake, but I ate the rest. I felt like I might die for hours afterward. In fact, I took a nap.

It was my birthday, so we had plans to go to The Cheesecake Factory for dinner, and we did, but I felt like a cow already. I ordered a pasta dish with a garlic cream sauce. I ate about 1/3 of it, and 1/2 a piece of carrot cake/cheesecake, had a glass of wine and some bread...again, having never fully recovered from 'lunch' that was the best I could do.

The next day, I had 3 pieces of bacon for breakfast, later the 2/3 of the pasta left over from dinner the night before, and the rest of the cheesecake. I had 3 pieces of Little Caesar's pepperoni pizza for dinner, and 3 pieces of Crazy bread over the course of the rest of the evening.

I had to stop loading with that. I felt so bloated and uncomfortable. I had gained a couple of pounds over stabilization, I had already eaten poorly and drank to much over my birthday weekend as we had people over, and the loading was just too much. I still fit into my clothes, but they felt different and I didn't like it.

I did not weigh myself. I was afraid to do so.

Yesterday, I started my Very Low Calorie Intake (VLCI) and had an apple in the morning, with lettuce, 100g chicken and 1 melba for lunch. For dinner, I had steamed cabbage, 100g chicken, 5 strawberries and a melba. I drank coffee with just stevia in the morning, and decaf with the same in the afternoon.

I wasn't all that hungry until the end of the day when I was closing in on an 18 hour day. It was late, I was tired, and yes, I was hungry. I knew I couldn't eat though, not only because I'd consumed my 500 calories already, but because even if I hadn't I wouldn't eat that late. It always shows up the next morning if I eat after about 7 pm.

I slept like a rock except for the stupid f*cking cat yowling and waking me up because her person (my kid) was ignoring her insistent bid for attention.

It is now about 7:40 am. I am having coffee. I'll eat right before I go to work as I have a few afternoon appointments. Until then, I'll be getting some school work done and some reports filed for HypnoBirthing(R) least that's the plan.

My SIL will be visiting in about 2 weeks, and in that time I should be (if the planets align and this all goes as planned) below the lowest weight I had been at yet throughout this whole year. I don't know that I will do a full round. It depends on how well it goes. Even with the weight I fear I gained, I wouldn't need to lose more than 20 lb., which should come off in less than 43 days.

I will weigh probably on Sunday, my 'skip day', when I will continue to eat the same 500 VLCI options, but will not take the hCG. By then I should be close to where I left off, accounting for the adjustment I will make on the scale: I've been weighing with the '+/- 2 lb.' option on Wii because when I started this over a year ago, my Wii was in my living room and I weighed in my jammies. It is now in the basement, and I weigh nekkid or with just undies, so I should be using the '+/- 0' option, but just hadn't changed it. That likewise is going to add about 2 lb., so I'm not going to do it while I'm at a higher weight.

Ultimately, I'm only going to count my release from my highest point (210), so it doesn't really matter, though I won't have an accurate number for this round. But I didn't have an accurate number to start it with anyway since I'd been lax on the whole scale thing for a couple of weeks. What I'll do here is just go with the last # the Wii recorded.

So, I'm off. I have tons to do and little time to do it.

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