Thursday, April 1, 2010

Just stopping by...

It's been another busy week. I've got a bit of time so I thought I'd check in.

I am mixing up my repertoire a bit. I've added more berries and fruit in combination with nuts, re: The Primal Blueprint. I've also started cooking some 'normal' meals. By this I mean things we like, but somewhat altered to avoid wheat and other processed grains, like quiche and pizza with the cauliflower crust. I've added some sweeter fruits and even continue with an occasional bowl of Irish oats.

I'm getting between 1400 and 1600 calories per day, and if I walk 3 miles or more, that seems to be fine. If not, I fluctuate more. I'm still .8 lb. away from my top amount, but I am not planning to do more steak days. I'd rather get a handle on this myself without resorting to them, and if I can't then I'll do another round and see what happens.

I also think that I'm going to try not to weigh every day. It's become such a habit that it may be hard to stop, but it seems that some pretty wide fluctuations, the ones leading me to do steak days, may be normal. If I just monitor every other day, or every two days, I think I can still stay on top without getting discouraged. The hard part will be stopping! I never would have believed that a year and a half ago.

So that's it. I'm just feeling my way, trying to find a 'new normal'. After the mesotherapy I'll see where I stand.

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