Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 16

I was hoping for a break in the -.7 days just so I'd know my Wii is working, but I wanted it the other way! Today is a -.4 day.

I am up early again. That typically shows up as less of a loss (or a body hates mornings as much as my brain does). Also, I'm very sore. After the 30-35 minutes of yoga in the afternoon, I did do 35 minutes of Wii in the evening and it was mostly aerobic and a little strength, with my favorites in rhythm and balance. I did work up a sweat.

Also, at the risk of TMI, since we are sharing, I have had breast tenderness today and yesterday. If PMS is starting already I can expect about the next TWO weeks to be odd on the scale. It's not fair and I hate that! There are enough variables without tossing in a known negative variable!

So, -7.3 the first week, -5.4 the second week for a total of -12.7. I know I should be happy with's 10 lb. more than I'd be on a 'traditional' diet. But I've come to expect more from this program, so it is disappointing.

I'm seeing a little bit of a change in my body, but not yet a lot. At this rate it will likely take me the rest of the week to get into the 'normal' range on the Wii. It may take a week beyond that to get into the next size smaller clothes. I'd really love to be between 119-124 and a solid size 5. (I do have cute dresses in a size 2 and a size 3, but I got them because they were cute and reasonable, not because I want to be that small. I just figured if I did get there, I wanted these dresses.) Anyway, how long I continue will depend on how I feel and if I continue to release, no matter how slow or if it's pretty. I know people who near the end of their program who end up with a pattern of going for days with no loss but stick to it, only to let go of 3 lb. in one day.

My share for the day? A new study says that thin people can be unhealthy. Duh. It's not always the fat that increases medical costs, it's the lack of exercise. And some people who are thin don't exercise AND eat loads of garbage. Imagine that! They still stay thin, just not healthy. But it's always lack of exercise and too much of the wrong foods that make people fat. Hm.

2 pm

I ate most of you lunch options at about 11:30 am, with the apple following later by about an hour.

About an hour after that, my daughter and her boyfriend made my favorite...grilled cheese with garlic butter (they did not, however, include the tomato bisque soup that I pair it with). In any case, it was driving me CRAZY to smell that in the house and I did 'cheat' and had 8 macadamia nuts. Logically, I knew I could have resisted if I made coffee or left the house, but my stomach was raising hell and growling and I caved. It happens. If it were sugar or starch or something horrible, I'd feel worse, but I know macs don't impact me (usually) so much, so it was the lesser of several evils.

So much for my supportive and safe environment. I didn't feel I could ask them to go to his house because honestly, they do much of the time.

If I can, I will skip my fruit (and maybe my bread)later, but well see. I wonder if I can do yoga or Wii a little longer to make up for it, or take a hot bath to bump up my metabolism with a little heat. I won't have a chance to do the sauna.

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