Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 30/Day 2

Up .7 this morning, but not too worried about that either. As I've pointed out before, I typically weigh more when I weigh earlier, not to mention that all that food I ate yesterday has yet to make its way all the way through my system. Still, with the small gain yesterday, and the small loss the day before, I'm still only 1/2 lb. over my last hCG weight. I actually feel smaller today. I'm going to go out on a limb here and predict that the scale will continue to go down incrementally as long as I stay within my parameters.

So far today, coffee with cream, about 100 calories. I haven't entered stuff on FitDay as I have to get ready for work, but I will after lunch. I may have had breakfast by then too, but I'm not sure what that will be yet.


My total so far is about 750-800 calories: 3 slices of bacon and an apple for breakfast, chicken on lettuce with Walden Farms dressing for lunch, 4 cups of coffee with cream and one piece of chocolate delight. I've had maybe two liters of water so far.


I also had some macs later, and 1/2 cup cottage cheese and an orange later still. I made more chocolate delight later so had another couple of quarter sized pieces.

I did about 45 minutes of Wii, and realized I am sore from yesterday. I did lift some free weights, but only 8 reps each side. I didn't think I'd be sore. I probably could expect to be up another tiny notch tomorrow if my muscles are holding on to water as they heal.

I'm actually thinking of going to bed as neither Dave nor I slept well last night, so hopefully a good night's sleep will negate some of that expected gain. It should be small, so nothing to worry about, and water then is gone usually the following day. It just makes it harder to track. I know better. I don't know why I did that. It just felt good to lift weights!

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