Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 34 stabilization

I missed yesterday. It was a blur and I'm not sure I recall much of it. Too little sleep, too much to do. It was a 'zero' day. I'm not sure, but I think my first...I wish I'd just stay there!

Today was up .7 lb. I'm about 1/2 lb. away from a steak day, though I'm certain my exhaustion plays into this, so we'll see how tomorrow goes. I also decided maybe fiber is an issue, so I added Benefiber to my coffee and protein drink today.

In take today has been a handful of macs, an apple, and a protein shake. I have no clue what dinner will be. I don't even know how I'm going to stay awake long enough to eat it unless I get a second wind or a nap. Nap is not likely since I'm only home between appointments right now, and I see 8 more clients between now and 5 pm.

Yesterday, working backwards, I know I had a glass of wine after class, trail mix w/nuts, seeds and dried stuff...goji berries, cherries, raisins, apples before class. I had a piece of chicken and an apple and a sugar-free pudding for an early dinner. For lunch, I think it was macs and an apple and a sugar-free pudding. I don't think I had breakfast, but if did, it was likely cheese and bacon.

This is an encapsulation, because I've been eating on the run and none of this was consumed in actual 'meals' was here and there. It's been hard to get water in too, because I haven't had enough breaks to pee!

I need sleep. Being tired seems to make me hungrier.

I just have to get through the afternoon. Hopefully being busy will make it go quickly.


I broke the cardinal rule of letting myself get so hungry that I ate something I shouldn't have: I had trail mix (1/2 cup or less) as soon as I walked in the door because I was famished!

About an hour later I had two pieces of cheese, 100g chicken and 1 piece of bacon. It would have been good all together, but I ate each separate, one after the other while I was trying to figure out what to have for dinner before realizing that WAS dinner.

Now I feel like I ate too much, but all total, it wasn't. I still feel like a cheater for the trail mix, though.

We'll see if tomorrow is going to be ANOTHER steak day. We already know we are having steak. The question is will that be ALL I can have? I'm hoping the fiber from today does it's job and the answer will be no. Crossing my fingers.

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